Tags Overview

An overview about tags.

Updated over a week ago

Introduction to Tags

Tags made their debut in marketing automation during the early 2000s, offering a novel method for organizing and categorizing contacts. They were initially conceived to empower a more profound level of segmentation, surpassing the capabilities of traditional email marketing services.

Over time, tags have continued to evolve, expanding their functionality far beyond their initial purpose, as illustrated in the table below.

3 Functions Of Tags In The WolfPack CRM

Tags provide a quick and convenient way to access crucial contact information. In our migration guide, we liken tags to the condensed summary of your contacts' interaction history with your business. Notably, the tags you assign to your contacts remain internal and are invisible to the contacts themselves. You can leverage tags to group and focus on contacts with shared attributes.

Tags serve a dual purpose, aiding in organization and often prompting specific actions. In the CRM, tags fulfill three primary functions:

  1. Organization

    The core intention behind tags, which is to facilitate organizational tasks, remains intact within our platform. You have the ability to sort your contact database using tags, and tags are readily visible on individual contact profiles. This functionality offers a quick overview of your contacts' experiences, which can often be sufficient for addressing your inquiries.

    Through the use of tags, you can bypass the need to sift through the "Recent Activities" feeds of contacts in search of vital information. Instead, essential data is readily accessible with just two clicks.

  2. Start Triggers

    Adding or removing tags can serve as the criteria for initiating triggers. The configuration of your start triggers dictates which individuals enter your automation and the frequency of their entry.

  3. Conditional Content

    Tags represent one among several conditions for segmenting your contacts. This flexibility allows you to focus on contacts with specific tags, whether they possess or lack them.

    You have the option to target contacts through automation, which is designed to engage a segmented audience based on the chosen start trigger. Additionally, you can make use of tags to deliver contextually relevant messages within your one-off campaigns. This is achieved by creating conditional content, as demonstrated in the image below, enabling you to hide or display content blocks in emails according to the tags associated with your contacts.

    Finally, tags can be employed to present conditional content within third-party integrations. This means you can utilize membership plugins like ActiveMember360 and Memberium to control the visibility of content on a WordPress website, depending on whether contacts possess or lack certain tags. A common application of this feature is setting up exclusive, members-only content.

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