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How Site Tracking Works With Your WolfPack CRM Landing Page
How Site Tracking Works With Your WolfPack CRM Landing Page

This article describes how site tracking and its integration with your WolfPack CRM landing page works to optimize customer engagement

Updated over a week ago

Site tracking is a powerful tool that provides real-time insights into the visits made by target contacts to your landing page. With this valuable information at your fingertips, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

About Site Tracking

Site tracking is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into the behavior of individual contacts on your website. It allows you to track and analyze the specific pages they visit, the frequency of their visits, and the timing of their interactions. This information is not only displayed in the profile records for each contact but also accessible in the floating segment builder.

To fully utilize site tracking in your WolfPack CRM account, it is essential to ensure that contacts are properly identified when they visit your page. By understanding how contacts are identified, you can effectively leverage the site tracking data to enhance your marketing and sales processes.

With site tracking data at your disposal, you can implement targeted strategies such as behavioral targeting, triggered messages, and granular segmentation. These tactics enable you to tailor your communication and offerings based on the specific actions and interests of your contacts. As a result, you can provide a personalized experience that resonates with your audience and drives higher conversions.

How Site Tracking Is Added To Your Landing Page

To add site tracking to your landing page, you have two options depending on the domain you use:

  1. You can either utilize our provided landing page domain

  2. Opt for a custom domain (CNAME).

If you decide to go with our provided domain, the site tracking code will be automatically applied to every landing page you publish.

On the other hand, if you choose to use a CNAME for your landing page, there are a couple of additional steps involved.

  1. You'll need to enable site tracking for your CNAME.

  2. Make sure to whitelist your CNAME to ensure seamless functionality.

Feel free to explore both options and select the one that best suits your needs!

How To Turn On-Site Tracking If Using A Landing Page CNAME

To enable site tracking on your landing page URL using a CNAME, follow these steps in your WolfPack CRM account:

  1. Go to the "Website" tab and select "Tracking".

  2. Choose the "Site Tracking" option.

  3. In the Site Tracking section, toggle the switch to turn it on.

  4. Enter your page domain in the "Add Website URL" field and click "Add".

  5. By default, all website pages using the provided CNAME will be tracked. If you want to disable this option, uncheck the "Include all website pages" box.

The site tracking code will automatically be applied to each published page in WolfPack CRM. This allows you to gather valuable data and insights about your visitor's behavior on your landing page.

How To Install Site Tracking Code

  1. In your ActiveCampaign account, click Website > Site Tracking.

  2. Click the code in the "Tracking Code" box.

  3. Copy the code and paste it to the footer of each page on your website you wish to track.

We recommend placing the code in the footer because this is the easiest way of having site tracking work on all pages. However, we recommend reviewing the documentation provided by your Content Management System (CMS) to make sure the placement of the code is correct.

If you are using a WordPress site, please see our WordPress plugin article for more information on using Site Tracking with WordPress.

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